
IP and AI Battleground: Startups, Patents, and Navigating the Automation Revolution

Ever feel like those sci-fi movies about AI taking over the world might actually be on to something? Well, I sat down with Noah Healy – a guy who's worked in nuclear engineering.

Content of this video:

  • 00:00 Intro

  • 03:15 IP protection: Challenges

  • 14:26 Patent trolls

  • 26:19 Terravision (ART+COM) vs Google Maps

  • 36:39 Age of AI

  • 49:05 What’s Next for AI

  • 1:02:00 Solving for financial market

  • 1:04:00 What is computational growth

About this episode:

Ever feel like those sci-fi movies about AI taking over the world might actually be on to something? Well, I sat down with Noah Healy – a guy who's worked in nuclear engineering, tech, and even designed better markets – to talk about protecting your ideas, the future of jobs, and the crazy stuff AI is capable of. This one's for anyone interested in innovation and, let's face it, maybe a little freaked out by how fast tech is changing the world.

About Noah Healy:

Noah Healy is a market designer and game theorist working on better economic systems. After training in nuclear engineering he worked for tech startups at the peak of the dot com boom. Becoming fascinated by the mathematics of information and computation led to patent work on a better commodity market design.